Monday, February 24, 2014

where did the weekend go?

This weekend was incredibly busy, I didn't feel like we really had a weekend at all. On Saturday we went to stay with my mother in law. She is in her late 80's and settles in her chair in the morning and rarely leaves the chair but to go to the bathroom and sit at the table for her meals. There are 10 children and we have all been taking turns going and staying with her. We bring her meals and we visit with her. My husband takes his turn along with the other siblings, taking vacation days to bring her meals and see that she is okay.

We arrived at her house on Saturday morning, before 10 sometime and took our time putting the food away, and settling in for the day. My mother in law is always full of news when we visit. She is an Amish lady through and through. She knows almost nothing but just what goes on around her in her community and whatever she reads in The Budget. The Budget comes on Wednesdays and she can't wait for the mail to go so she can read it. She devours every word. Her sister and husband came to visit her while we were there and they also spoke of The Budget and how they on purpose eat light and simple on Wednesday so there is less clean up so that when the mail goes they can settle right in and read The Budget. My husband's aunt and her husband, my mother in law and most older Amish folks are typical in that The Budget is their news. They learn things they might not find out from other communities. My mother in law doesn't care to get the daily newspaper, I always got the feeling from her that the news frightened her and she didn't want to know what was going on in the world, she just wants to know about things going on inside the Amish community mostly. 

I had to be somewhere else at 4 on Saturday afternoon and so my husband stopped off at his sister's house while I went to my appointment and then later in the evening we joined two of his siblings and their spouses at a local Amish restaurant for dinner. After dinner we stopped by a nursing home to visit my old neighbor. He is in his late 80's and had a stroke recently. He can't talk, but he can do everything else, so he is receiving therapy to try and help him talk once more. It was good to see him and his wife, both were like a second set of parents to me and my brother when we were growing up. 

Going to church this past Sunday has really gotten me to think about what is real and important in life. Two young ladies came and spoke at our church and they spoke of how they were held captive in their country, sentenced to be hanged for sharing their Christian faith with others. I won't say much because I don't want to jeopardize them in any way. What I got out of their testimonies was this absolute purpose they felt for their lives, and how their lives are not their own. I don't think they have any dreams or goals for themselves, it is all about getting the word out and evangelizing. They spoke of persecution and how we need to prepare ourselves for a day when we might be persecuted. They warned we should always be ready. When we walked out of that service yesterday I was without words, I was rendered quiet, because there was so much going on inside of me. I can't put it into words here, but my soul was stirred like it hasn't been stirred in a long while. 

Later in the afternoon, after some quiet time and also getting to take a nap, I awoke, refreshed and I called a new friend for me who I have gotten to know through my blog. We had such a lovely visit, I am so blessed to have been meeting so many wonderful folks through my blog and Facebook page. I feel overwhelmed with love and friendship by all of my readers. You are all so kind and lovely to me. Every last one of you are just such a blessing and gift to me. 

Sunday evening found our children here and we had a nice taco dinner. It was simple, but it was fine because we were all together, sharing a meal and fellowship. I am simply overwhelmed at times with how much love I feel for both our children, their spouses, and our grandson.  After the dishes were done my grandson asked me to come downstairs with him, he wanted to watch Curious George on the TV downstairs. He snuggled up close to me and we watched Curious George, then he would go find a couple toys to play with and I would do my stretches in between my grandson's whims. It was just a nice evening all together. We said our good byes, our daughter and her little family are heading out on vacation on Friday and I doubt we will see them before they return home. I'm happy they are getting to spend some time away, however, that little grandson of ours grows like a weed and is stringing so many words together and I don't like to miss a thing with him. 

And to end this post on a crazy and random note, here are a few things that you don't need to know, but I will tell you anyway. 

1. I lost a wager at my 8-5, so I have to provide donuts for my coworkers. I purchased some donuts and apple fritters at my favorite bakery and I'm gonna fatten everyone up tomorrow! 
2. If you were behind me this morning or this afternoon, driving to and from my 8-5, I apologize to you, you see, I'm not used to driving my husband junky old Chevy S-10...and it doesn't have much power and so going up the hills left a lot to be desired, I know, and you were having a hard time following me, you nearly ran into my back end a couple times, all I can say is, "I'm sorry I was in front of you, no amount of pressing on the gas petal got me anywhere faster." Sor-ree!
3. After doing some shopping tonight, I noticed when I drove in our driveway that a couple of cats were running and hiding under some shrubbery. They were not our cats, nor the neighbor's Tommy who already has claimed the barn as his own. I think our barn is going to be overrun by cats if we don't turn the heat lamp off. It seems to be a signal to cats to stop by and get nice and toasty. Oh and there is always plenty of food, so I'm sure the word is out that you can also fill up your empty tummy if you want to stop by. 

I will leave you with a few pictures I shot from my mother in laws living room. They are out several different windows. The last picture is of her old chicken house. It sits there, empty and forlorn now, but I thought it was a good picture so I added it. 


  1. As usual, I enjoyed your post. You made me smile, made me think...

  2. Enjoyed your post, as I always do. Your writing creates a visual in my brain, and just adds to how much I enjoy reading it. Always love the pictures, too. Your sharing of the testimony of those women reminded me once again of how we need to hold them, and others like them, in prayer, and that we are truly blessed.
