Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Amish Realty Television

I'm going to go there tonight, so if you are all into these shows, you may NOT like what I have to say. I just want to say, it is my opinion and I'm not trying to persuade anyone differently. If you enjoy and believe those shows, that is up to you.
I know the "argument" is that they are "just a show - kinda reality - kinda scripted." I'm sorry, but it really turns my stomach to see some of the stuff they come up with. I feel like a lot of the young folks come across like they have sold their soul to the devil, willing to do many outlandish things that portray the culture they come from as something they are not. Why? For the money and fame? If fame and riches are what they are expecting out of these shows, I don't think they are achieving those goals. Rather than famous, they seem to mostly be infamous. Quite a few have some kind of rap sheet with the law, money woes seem to be a prevailing thing, dreams of making it big so far have not really been full-filled. One of these Amish reality "stars" who have half way "made it" is in NYC modeling and just this week her half naked body was splashed all over the Internet. Is that what her dream was when she got on the show? To be half naked in front of the world? I paused at some of her photos and looked at her eyes for a long moment. To me, they didn't look happy. How sad.
I find myself rooting for this young lady, hoping she will find a "classy path" for her career.
I don't know what goes on behind the scenes of these shows but I have a feeling the cast is not "cared about" that much. My opinion is they are there so that the higher ups will get their ratings and make their money. I'm sure they are promised things that seem amazing to these young folks but because they aren't really worldly-wise and a few thousand dollars looks like a lot of money, they make choices that will forever haunt them in some way. Some now seem to have this idea that they can have a career in television, either in front of the camera, or behind it. (They also come across that working a regular job would be beneath them now that they have achieved some sort of fame.)  I've seen most of these shows and the acting is not very good, I wouldn't pick out one person to ever make it "big" in Hollywood. Like I said before, this is my opinion, I could be totally wrong and I'm not a hater of these young folks, I just wish they had made better career choices and thought things through before "selling out" themselves and the culture they came from.
The Amish Mafia show is the bigger offender of portraying the Amish as something they are not. I know, the argument I keep reading out there, "it is just a show." But do they have to be so outrageous with their "show"?
Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest. Honestly, I want to say so much more, but I have a feeling some of my readers are real fans and I don't want to be a "hater".
Peace all!
Shows I Tape and Watch
I don't have a lot of time to watch much television, I probably watch less than an hour of television per day. Most work days I watch no television. I do tape a few shows though and since we are on the subject of television tonight, I thought I would share with you the shows I really like. Most of the shows I watch I gain inspiration from for when I'm puttering around in my kitchen. The last three are really entertainment only.
The Pioneer Woman - cooking show, my favorite!
The Barefoot Contessa - cooking show, my second favorite.
Heartland Table - cooking show, new show for me, so good.
Rehab Addict - this lady makes me want to flip houses for a living.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - I got hooked on these ladies a few years back. I watch because I want to see how the rich half of America lives. They lead me to believe the rich are immature and have less "smarts" than the working class in America.
and last but not least:
Keeping up with the Kardashians - I'm serious, I tape every new episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians and watch them each week. If you don't know who the Kardashians are, here is a link... Keeping up with the Kardashians. If you know who the Kardashians are you have probably judged me by now or are completely indifferent. I started watching them years ago, it happened by accident and now I continue to watch them as each new season comes out. I think I like to watch them because they are sisters and I love to watch the interaction between them.
I really don't "kare" what you think about me for keeping up with them, if I did, I wouldn't have made the statement. Insert a big smiley face right here.
Khloe is my favorite Kardashian. I just "konnect" with her personality.
I had to try and throw a couple more "k" words in there, that is why I made the last statement.
What are some shows you enjoy watching?

1 comment:

  1. Girl. I would rather read. Shows I like: Duck Dynasty (don't judge me), American guess I don't watch much television. Nite!
