Monday, January 27, 2014

the elusive sun and a bowl of morels-bisque style

On my way home from my 8-5 today the sun was in my rear view mirror, almost too bright, and I had to put my hand up to shield my eyes from the brightness. I couldn't bring myself to turn the mirror away because I feel we see the sun so little this season that when it decides to come and ride with me in my car, I want to experience it fully. As I neared my home my friend called me and so I picked up and we said our hello's and she asked me a quick question, I answered and as I pulled in my driveway I noticed the sun over our neighbor's barn. I couldn't contain myself, the sun was just so magnificent, there were almost rainbow colors running all over our backyard and even into the sky. There was a cotton candy pink color all over. It was just fabulous.  Seeing all the colors and brilliance I had to get out there and get a few photos so I simply asked my friend if I could call her back, she said yes, I quickly parked my car in the garage, ran into the house and yelled at my husband, "Can you quick run downstairs and grab my camera for me?" I should probably take the question mark out of that sentence because it was more a command than a question. As he ran downstairs, (wonder what was going through his mind as he was fetching my camera?) I grabbed a scarf and tied it around my face because it was cold as blitz out there. I ran outside and took the fastest pictures ever. The sun was going down so quickly, it is crazy how fast the horizon changed in just two minutes time. I never did get the cotton candy pink color that I experienced as I was driving in our driveway. 

So sad about that.

There is the sun, taking a dive behind my neighbor's barn. I love how it is peeking through the tree, and over the roof of the barn. 

Here the sun is peeking though one of our evergreens by the patio. 

And there she goes, no more peeking, she is off to say goodbye to someone else. 

After I fed my cats and made sure they were tucked up nice and warm in the barn, (we have a heat lamp and a big huge spongy straw bed for them, they are never uncomfortable) I came inside and my sister called me. We chatted for a couple moments and then I was off to the kitchen to get creative. I had brought up a mushroom bisque recipe on the Internet, and then I did what I do best, I improvised. The recipe just didn't seem right, so I made it my way. It is the first time that I ever made it so I have a ways to go to get it to match what is my favorite at a certain restaurant we frequent. I think I need to figure out how to get the bisque to be darker in color, the flavor was there, it was simply delicious, I just wasn't happy with the color. The restaurant usually serves warmed up pita bread alongside the bisque, I didn't have pita, but I made some croutons to serve with it, and it also lent some delicious flavor to the bisque. 

My first bowl of homemade mushroom bisque. 

I made dijon, ham and cheese panini sandwiches to go with the bisque. 

We had some old bananas so I pulled up another recipe on the Internet and tried a stab at banana nut muffins. I'm not the best baker, I cook better than I bake, but for a first time, I think they will do. They seem moist. They are in the background. In the foreground is a plate of excellent coffee cake my daughter in law made and gave us some. I had a slice tonight and it is absolutely divine. She is an excellent baker. 

That is about it for tonight folks. I was feeling more creative in the kitchen tonight than wordy. I hope you enjoyed my foodie post anyway. 

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