Monday, January 20, 2014

introducing myself

Hi there! 

I thought I would do an introduction tonight, kinda tell folks a little bit about me, since I have quite a few new readers on here. 

So here goes. 


am 48 years old, but I feel about 25...always young at heart.

have been married to "Mr. Wonderful" for 29 years now. This September marks our 30th. He is busy planning our anniversary celebration. I love him because he worries about things like that long before they occur. His real name is Bert, but I like Mr. Wonderful better. wink wink He also watches bunches of Bonanza so sometimes I call him "Delbert Cartwright". We have had some really hard times in our marriage, but divorce was never an option and we worked through a ton of junk and today we basically just have fun. We became empty-nesters at the same time last year so we have a lot in common. I know, we live together, so, of course, we would experience this at the same time! I'm just being goofy. Smile here folks! 

have two wonderful children. Our oldest - a son who is 28 and married to a wonderful gal who is 23. They got married last year and so since then we have been empty-nesters. Our son has two jobs and is always busy doing something. I'm not sure he ever holds still. He knows more people than anyone I know. He is the friendliest person I know and knows no stranger. His wife is quiet and sweet and balances him out. If we had gone searching to the ends of the earth we could not have found a better match for our son. She also cleans my house every other week and that takes a ton of pressure off of me, and she also starts a new part time job tomorrow, so she is a busy young lady. - Our youngest is our daughter who is 26 years old. She, too, married the best, if we had searched to the ends of the earth we could have never found a more suitable spouse for our daughter. He is 28 years old. We have never had to worry one day that our daughter wasn't being taken care of. She is a stay at home mama to a very busy two year old. She is frugal, and is a great example to other young ladies of making do with less because they have goals as a couple. Because of living beneath their means for the last five years they are now able to build their dream home this year. We are excited for them, to see how it will take shape and how they will set up their new home. Our son in law is a very good provider, avid hunter/fisherman and he scores the most points for giving me tons of compliments for my cooking. I always say his nose enters my house before any other part of his body. He is the kind that comes into the kitchen and lifts lids to see what is cooking.  

have a two year old grandson. I call him "Little Guy" on here. He is absolutely the jewel in our family. He needs a brother or sister and some cousins, I'm totally convinced. He makes me wish we had had more children so there would be more chances to have many more grandchildren. He helps me cook when he is here. I pull a chair up to the counter and he stands there and helps me with whatever I'm cooking or baking. He LOVES to help and I LOVE that he is helping. Yesterday his mama called us and had us put the phone on speaker because Little Guy wanted to tell us something...He said, "I peed ina potty." It was a milestone for him for sure and he was so proud of his accomplishments. So exciting to watch him grow up! 

speak two languages. Pennsylvania Dutch is my first and favorite language. I speak it all the time, every day, to anyone else who can speak it. Some former Amish seem to want to get rid of the Pennsylvania Dutch language when they leave, but I don't want to, I love that I know two languages. English, obviously, is my second language. Sometimes I have to think about which words I need to insert here or there because I would say it differently in Pennsylvania Dutch than in English. I can speak "pig latin" also, but I don't think that counts..does it??? 

went to school through the eighth grade and then I was "free." My grades were awful when I was in grade school. In 2001 I attained my GED (good enough diploma). A few years later I attended Adult Ed classes for a year and gained tons of office skills, I learned how to type, how to work Microsoft Office, and how to work the ten key number keys, among other things.  I also learned how to apply make up and how to dress properly for an office setting. My one instructor was fabulous and taught me so much.  I learned a lot that year, but more about myself personally than with the classes. I learned that I have a passion for writing. I loved words intensely, how they come together and mean different things if you use them in different ways. It has been a love affair since then. When I read books, either on my Kindle, or a physical book there are highlights all over the place because when I like how words are strung together I have to make note of those words. I also learned that I am very competitive and I compete with myself, nobody else, I push myself until I get it. I graduated with an almost 4.0 grade point average. I struggled just a little bit in English (wonder why?) and so I didn't quite make the 4.0...but almost. :) That was the year I learned that if I set out to do something, I could probably do it. It also helped me see that the little Amish girl with poor grades was redeemed and that I wasn't as "dumb" as I thought I was. :) 

love to drive my car. I like to get on an interstate and just drive. Sometimes when I'm feeling...I don't know..cooped up, if I can get on an interstate and just drive for awhile it makes life manageable again. I think it lends a certain sense of freedom to me and like magic makes the cabin fever flutter away. I feel so blessed to be able to hop in my car at any point and "go". When I was Amish, going away had to be planned in advance, if you wanted to go to a larger town to do some major grocery shopping, you had to call a taxi driver in advance and schedule a date and time with him/her. Now I have the luxury every day to "go" when I wanna go. It helps if the car has some git up and go, I don't like to "mosey" along too much, I like to git up and go more. 

enjoy cooking for my family and friends. I like fresh more than boxed and microwaved. I like to cook from scratch. I have a small collection of gourmet cookbooks, but they aren't housed in my kitchen but rather in my study so that I can "read" the recipes at leisure and mark the recipes I would like to try. I enjoy cooking Italian...and Amish. :) I also like to bake cakes and cupcakes and they are my most favorite dessert...give me a nice three layer cake over a pudding any day of the week. Coconut cake is my favorite. 

used to be a victim of sexual abuse, but I walk the earth a victim no more. I am an over-comer and I praise God for every victory that has been achieved as I walked through those very deep waters in my life. 

love taking pictures. If I could snap photos all day long, I would be a happy camper. I just found this passion recently and I can never get enough when I am out and about. I like shooting scenery and animals more than I do people. 

love music. Sometimes I wish I could write in music. Some of you may not understand that is OK, it is hard for me to how could I expect anyone to understand. 

love being alone as much as I love being with people. I am never bored so I usually don't care if I'm with someone else or not, I always have something to keep me busy. 

don't have much of an agenda for my life. I used to. It bogged me down. I wanted to make so much money per year, I wanted to do this job and that job, I wanted to go here, or there, my goals were endless and they completely frustrated me and made me feel like a failure. Today I just don't care that much, I always want to be doing something, especially creatively, but my goals are more like this: 
  • "I hope to show others the comfort in which I myself have been comforted with."
  •  I want God's will in my life and I choose not to obsess about that, but go with the flow, what if I have goals for today, but then someone calls me and needs to talk and God wants me to be that ear to that person, but I have my goals and I miss being the ear that God needed me to be right then? What then?
  •  I examine my life periodically and if I don't like what I see, I change things. 
Those are the kinds of goals/agendas I have today. It is easier that way. Less pressure. 

hate being in a crowd, if there are more than 6 people in the room I am immediately uncomfortable. In crowds I become a different person. I doubt I will ever be comfortable working a crowd. Having said that, I can be all "chatty Cathy" when there are few folks around. One on one is my favorite way to hold a conversation and if a person looks me straight in my eyes is when I know I can trust them for sure, for sure. 

hate snakes. 

struggle with my weight. I would love to be healthier, but somehow this is the one thing in my life I have not figured out how to just lose the weight and be healthy. I hate that I have to admit that, just being totally honest folks. 

love to see cats sitting on fence posts. It holds special meaning to me. You know like God puts rainbows in the sky? God has used cats sitting on fence posts to give me a sign that he is there and loves me in the midst of something crazy going on in my life. I might have to do a post about this topic one day. 

Enough about me. I really am a most boring person, I'm sure. I don't do much, I never go away during the week, I come home from my 8-5, make dinner, do some housework, read, write, go to bed, just to wake up and do it all over again the next day. 

That's all folks..

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