Wednesday, January 22, 2014

camera phone show and tell

I was going through my phone tonight and felt all warm inside seeing some of the pictures I have in there. It lends a feeling of summer, and sun, and freedom from the confining cold and made me feel all cheery, so I wanted to share some of them with you. It is only a fraction of what is banked there in my phone, though! 

Every springtime the killdeer family decides they just must build a nest and raise their family in our driveway. We usually "find" the nest and mark the area with a larger stone near the nest so we know not to drive over the eggs. Can you see the eggs? Sure sign of spring and so glad it was sitting there banked in my phone. 

Awe, some of our flowers. I love the pink color. Just looking at it makes the winter blahs kind of fade, doesn't it? 

My Amish friend and I go "shopping" about once or twice a month on a Wednesday evening. In fact that is where I was tonight, shopping with her. I usually pick her up after my 8-5 and then we go eat and browse used book stores and generally end up at a Goodwill to look at their used book section as well. She was walking to the car when I snapped this, and she was like, "You didn't take a picture of me!?! She has a cell phone and I've caught her snapping a picture or two herself, so I know she isn't opposed to having her picture taken. This isn't a close up anyway, so it is all good. :) 

The community periodically has auctions, "machinery sale" this one has been dubbed. My husband sold his riding lawn mower and so we stopped by the night before the machinery sale to check on the mower and I couldn't resist to snap a picture or two. It looks really messy in the picture, but had you been there you could have seen the "order" that was there in the midst of all the consigned items. 

Horses and buggies. 

My husband likes to hop in his truck and take us driving through Amish country and beyond. We come upon some of the most interesting views and properties. Here is an Amish school and I just loved the name of it. Gypsy Springs School. Isn't that fun?

I wish I could take every one of you to this little spot in Amish country. It conjures up thoughts of Switzerland for me when we go by this spot. I shot a ton of photos here. There is nothing like sheep on a hillside. This angle is only a small part of what is there. 

I love this country road. It is so "photogenic" for me. 

A sunset I had captured. 

A horse clip clopping along. I think we were stopped so I could take some pictures of the Gypsy Spring School house, but not for sure. 

Our back patio. I love the sunbeams here. I wish it was like this tomorrow in our back yard. I long for summer. 

My Alley Cat. He sits on fence posts. He likes to pose for pictures too. Never have I seen a cat who likes to pose like this fellow. 

Our neighbor's cattle. They like to come up to the fence and "visit" when they are in the field next to the house. 

Celebrating my sister's birthday. It was a special one, so we got a hotel near Cleveland and went shopping and eating, just the two of us. We ate at Bahama Breeze the first night. I had their ribs. SO good. 

We noticed that the mannequins didn't have heads. It was kind of funny and kind of creepy. I do much of my clothes shopping online so I'm not in and out of clothing stores a lot and I guess I missed it that mannequins are headless in today's world. I'm a little slow sometimes. 

A birthday can be celebrated without cheesecake, however, if one does celebrate with cheesecake one feels better about things. 

I probably don't have to say a word here. 

Some of the architecture at The Cheesecake Factory. I liked. 

We went to a local town, Berlin, for a parade. I captured some of the action. 

Horses somewhere in Amish Country. I like the fellow who is shooing the flies. Nice capture! 

Stone Quarry at Kelley's Island. Such beautiful blue water. I could have stayed there a lot longer just looking at the blue. 


More horses along one of our treks through Amish Country. 

And that is it. Hope you enjoyed my little show and tell. 


  1. Replies
    1. I wish there were a "like" button so I could acknowledge "simply" your comment. Thank you for being here Jenn. :)

  2. Would sure love to make it to Ohio, at some point Lue! Gorgeous and unique!! :)

    1. Susan, you just must. I told you I have a fabulous RV place one mile from my house. It is where you would stay if you came to Ohio, I'm so sure. I would love to take you around and show you my home. :)
