Sunday, December 22, 2013

what if we treated our country like a television show?

Yup, I had to chime in. 

Why not? 

Everybody else seems to be having their say. 

I'm not a fan of Duck Dynasty. I'm just not a fan of duck calls, how they are made, or men called Uncle Si. I find the cast of Duck Dynasty a little bit immature and crass when I've watched the show. As with all reality shows, you can sense where things have been staged. It becomes non-reality for me at that point. I KNOW they pray, they are good folks, that seems to be the reason why folks like them so much, oh and Uncle Si. 

To my utter dismay my husband even has a Duck Dynasty tee shirt. My heart sank when I saw him come home with one of those shirts. 

double ugh! 

My husband is a fan and watches the show. I get it second-hand, like smoke. So, I believe I can have an opinion on the show, as I just shared. 

But, having said all that, I stand by Mr. Duck Dynasty on the grounds of free speech, just like millions of other red-blooded Americans did this week. I found myself "liking" pages on Facebook and "liking and sharing" comments and posts of others. I did so because I support free speech. 

I didn't particularly like how Mr. Duck Dynasty chose to say it, he was crass and that was probably a little bit offensive, but that is who they are. If I don't like them, then I don't have to watch them. But to come out and punish him for exercising his free speech rights, and to purposefully misinterpret what he did say. Hmmm? Sounds more like an agenda to me than anything else. 

Where I take heart is reading all the articles today, of how things are changing for the show, it seems like Mr. Duck Dynasty is un-fired. Seems like Cracker Barrel all-of-a-sudden had a big change of heart and the voice of America seems to have been heard. Now, this is where I think we should ALL take hope. It seems like our voices were heard! We, the people rose up and "roared" our opinion and disdain for what had happened and we learned something from it. We learned if we stand for something together, we can move mountains. We stood for what was right and just and what maintains freedom, and it looks like the good prevailed over the bad. 

This time. 

But seriously. What about when it is time to go vote. Why are we not voting? Why are we not doing more to campaign for the good guys? Why are we not running for office? We, the people, the good guys...not the career politicians, but we, the people...Let's take this fire in our bellies from the Duck Dynasty fiasco and let's let it motivate us out of our inertia and let's do something. I think with this much common sense in goodness! What we could do with that? 

Maybe we should all pretend our great country was a TV show being run into the ground by a television network and then we would start Facebook pages and write dialog fitting to change things and impact folk's thinking and we could take it all the way to the highest office and get this country back on it's feet. 

For me it is interesting to see how much folks rallied around the demise of a TV show, but when it comes to our country so many of those voices are too busy watching television and don't care about their country, their family, their relationship with God or much else. At least their actions wouldn't show they cared from the outside looking in.  

I come from the Amish, and the Amish don't vote, unless it has direct implications on their way of life. Most will tell you they don't vote for the presidency, etc. Mostly just for laws regarding farming, and local tax levies, and etc. I was not a voter, but then one day it was announced in the church there was some law to be passed regarding farming. (I have no clue what it was) and so we were encouraged to go vote. I registered and stood in line with my husband and hundreds of other Amish and voted for one thing, against the new law they were pushing. But years later when I left the Amish and started to learn more I began to understand how if I am a citizen of this country and I want to be "free" I have to let my voice be heard by voting. I have to put the work in and do research. I have to form an opinion and I have to vote. 

In a sense that is what America did this week, we let our voices be heard and things seem to be changing. May I be so bold and I suggest we all put the remote control down and become a voice for America, let's understand what is going on in the country, let's keep that fire in our belly for what is 'good and just' and let's take back America. Let our country be free again and let the folks who live here be free before it is too late. Let's do the hard work, let's find a way to get our country out of debt, and let neighbor be for neighbor and let the folks with a good head on their shoulders stand up and say, "elect me", and let the folks who are good with campaigning on social media, start the campaigning, and let's treat the country we live in with as much passion as we do some television show we love to watch.

May God be with us! 

Go America! 


1 comment:

  1. Okay. I am a Duck Dynasty fan. I have to admit it. Yes. You are correct. They are crass. I really wanted to not like it. But, living with three men, it was always on. The humor is often "teenage boy" humor. But, I can't help but laugh because I see my guys in them. (Sorry Lue, but it's true). The underlying theme is so good though: Faith, Family, Friends...loyalty.

    I agree with you. This country seems to be able to motivate itself to take a stand when it wants to...but I am often shocked by what we don't or won't stand up for (or against in some cases).

    Thank you AS ALWAYS for your thoughts! Love reading what you write.

