Sunday, April 20, 2014

our easter

A beautiful day in which to remember that my Savior is risen indeed. 

I woke up to sunshine and warmth on the outside and Mr. Wonderful getting ready to go to church. He had to be there early since he works in the cafe some Sunday mornings. He is becoming quite the barrister, making latte's like he has been doing so for years. 

I attended first service by myself so I could go home and pull together an Easter dinner for our family. Both kids and their families came over after their church services. Our church service was amazing as always. Thought-provoking and inspiring. 

After dinner we took care of the clean up and then headed outside because our daughter had brought candy filled plastic eggs along for a little Easter egg hunt for Little Guy. We had a lot of fun tagging along watching him "find" another one. There were 24 eggs to be found and I think he dusted each one off and had to check the inside of the egg before we could move on to the next one. 

How fun it must be for him to have six adults following him around like we are his entourage.

Later this afternoon we had an hour or so of time to relax and then my parents, sister and great aunt stopped by for a few hours just to sit and visit. 

And now, it is quiet and I've just uploaded a couple pictures of Little Guy and his first Easter egg hunt. 

Little Guy didn't know for sure what to do with the Easter basket, so he spread the grass all over the floor and on his uncle. 

And there was the sad basket on its side.  

Here's one! 

Here's another one!

Heading to his basket with another one. 

Picking up his basket. 

There he goes. 

Counting how many eggs now. 

Left alone. 

Uncles can be helpful.

Checking out the inside. 

His dad came to the rescue in closing the opened eggs.

And that is about it for this time. 

Happy Easter! 

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