Saturday, March 29, 2014

laptop woes, prescription woes, grumpy cat

The hour this finds me typing away on my trusty old laptop is 2:42 AM. I awoke about an hour ago and was wide awake, so after trying my best to fall asleep again I finally gave up and got up. I don't know if I will stay up, or if I will attempt to fall asleep yet this morning. I am pulling an extra shift at my 8-5 today, actually planning on starting at 6 AM. We are busy and everyone is pulling their weight who is able to do so this weekend. 

The last two weeks have been "two steps forward, three steps backward" kind of weeks. I don't know if I can even explain, but there has been a lot of frustration with getting things shipped to our home. Our laptop had given out a few weeks back and so our friend who knows things about computers looked at all kinds of possible causes and thought we might have a dead battery. After much frustration with ordering a battery via Amazon and not being able to get it shipped to our home my husband actually went to Best Buy to purchase the battery directly from the store, only to be told that it was a lot less expensive to order it via Amazon. At Amazon you can purchase them for less than $25, Best Buy will sell you one for nearly $70. So, it was back to the "drawing board" with Amazon and I changed our physical address to our Post Office address and "Presto!" after about two weeks of dilly dallying around...we have a battery for our laptop, but not so fast! Now the battery directions say you can't use your laptop for "X" amount of hours, I think like 12 or 16 hours, after installing the new battery. So, I was still not able to use our laptop right away. 

Some of you might remember that my sister went on vacation a couple weeks back and so kindly allowed me to borrow her laptop, which I still have, but there has been a problem with her laptop and the program I use to type up my blog posts. I use Firefox on my computer, she doesn't have it on her computer and Internet Explorer would boo and hiss at me and would sometimes shut down when I was trying to type. 

In a nutshell? 

I've been basically "shut up" the last couple weeks, I was able to put up posts using Internet Explorer, but it was a chore to say the least. 

So, I guess the stars have all aligned, the sun and moon are doing their thing and I can once again type up posts on our laptop. 


On to bigger and better subjects. 

Well, not really bigger nor better, but on to a new subject. 

Another frustration I had to deal with this week was dealing with the online pharmacy. You know, communication and understanding how things work makes life so easy. If you don't understand how things work you end up with issues like I had this week. 

I have a thyroid problem and so I have to take one little pill each morning and I thought I had set my pills to be auto-filled, but having switched doctors and a new prescription from her office, things were not "set in stone" the way I thought they were. This is where communication and understanding came in, there was none on my end. 

As I came down to having only a couple pills left in my bottle and knowing it is pretty much crucial I have those pills I did the dreaded thing and called in and asked about my prescription. Turns out that it was not set to refill for another 5 weeks or so, but the pharmacy customer service lady was so nice and helpful and put me on hold several times and would come back to let me know she was still working on things. My ear was all sweaty and my brain numb by the time she finally truly got back to me with some information. Because of being so low in supply I was able to go to my local CVS pharmacy and make my purchase there, however, I had to call "this number" and tell them I needed to "finish maintenance supply order". Good enough, I called that number and talked to the Mr. Pharmacist Himself and he was completely confused, he asked, "Are you from the doctor's office." I said, "No," and explained what was going on. You know when you can hear in the pause of the person you are chatting with over the phone that it seems like there are question marks floating over his head like in the comics? We had such a moment. 

Mr. Pharmacist Himself finally sort of figured out what I was talking about, took a bunch of information from me and said he would "give them a call." I assumed "them" was the online pharmacy. I had serious doubts that I would have a prescription waiting on me yesterday when I went to pick them up, just because of all the back and forth, but you know what? Those stars and sun and moon had all aligned just right and the prescription was waiting for me! 

I felt blessed and taken care of. 

Thank you God! 

For loving me and for seeing to all my small needs. 

I have a grumpy cat

Remember when I started this post I said it was "early this morning?" 

When I got up our house was hot, so I opened the french door leading off the dining room to cool down the house a bit and here comes one of our cats. Calico, she is old, probably eight years old or so, she is the worlds loudest and biggest grump. I don't take a lot of pictures of her because she doesn't bring one "warm fuzzies" she is mean to everyone and bosses us all around. Well, she was quite vocal on the patio this morning so I finally gave up and went out to the barn to make sure there was food in the bowls because that is what she normally complains about the most. Well, turns out there was still some food in the bowls, but she needs them all full before she can eat. When I left the barn at 2:30 this morning she was busy munching away. 

Glad we have that taken care of. (notes of sarcasm in my tone)

The other thing I did notice was our other two cats were not around. Hmmm? I wonder where they are? Out looking for food? Surely they don't go to the neighbor's to sleep? Everyone in our barn has had their operation and there is no straying around looking for boyfriends and girlfriend, so I just have to wonder where those two were so deep in the night. 

Yep, these are things I wonder about.

Yesterday I learned something in the kitchen. 

I learned that "low and slow" can be too long for some things. I had a doctor appointment yesterday morning so on my way to my 8-5, I stopped at home and put a couple racks of ribs in the oven to bake "low and slow" for our dinner last night. Well, I ended up working late and so had Mr. Wonderful pull them out of the oven when  he got home. He also baked up a couple of potatoes for our dinner while he waited for me to come home. 

Anticipation mounted all day, I could taste those ribs all afternoon, I couldn't wait to bite into one of them and savor each bite. Well! Not so fast honey! Those ribs had been baking too long and they weren't burnt to a crisp, but the sauce had turned very thick and was setting up hard and thick. Most of the ribs were eatable, but they weren't awesome. Sigh...but now I know. 

The baked potatoes? Were wonderful, just like Mr. Wonderful, himself

That's it folks and I'm off to bed

Yesterday morning when I backed out of the garage the sunrise was so spectacular, had I not needed to get on down the road to my appointment, I would have tried to get a couple pictures of it. I can't remember when I've seen those colors together up there in that vast, blue sky of ours. The blue was almost a silver at points, and the sun kept fading in and out of the clouds. I watched it all the way to my doctor's office. What a spectacular display it was. It reminded me of how awesome God is, he doesn't need a paint brush to paint anything, he can just command it to be so...and it is so. 

With that thought I'm going to close up shop here and going to try and get a few more winks before I have to actually get up. I hope your weekend is full of small blessings and you can see God's hand in everything. I know I will be looking for his "wonder and awesomeness" as I make my way through another day. 

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