Saturday, December 28, 2013

suddenly, i'm in a bad mood

I'm on vacation. 

Spending all my time at home. I have not ventured far from my home since this past Monday night. I've actually left the house on two separate occasions, but only for a few hours both times and it is just how I want it. I love being at home. I'm one of those souls who is more comfortable at home than any place else on the planet. I'm never bored. Those creative souls reading this probably relate. 

Whilst panning through the channels yesterday checking out what there is to watch during the daytime I came across Jerry Springer. At first I paused and said loudly to myself, "Jerry Springer is still on the air?" The proof was right there on the TV screen. Jerry Springer IS still on the air. Nobody had to answer me. 

The story went something like this. Mom, and two daughters and one of the daughter's boyfriend were all on stage plus Mr. Springer and some bouncer type of personnel. They were discussing arguing the fact that the youngest daughter of the mom on stage wanted the boyfriend of her sister to take her virginity. I laugh as I type because you can't make this stuff up! I mean, I have an imagination a mile long, but this is for real TV! Somehow this thought made sense to the "boyfriend" of the other sister. And the mom was livid....I mean, she was LIV-ID! And the sister? She still loves him after five years of loving togetherness.

I can't imagine. 

Oh, and we wonder what is wrong with our country???? After about 5 and a half minutes of that insanity I had to stop watching because, well, who can watch THAT???? My goodness, there was a time when a girl was pregnant and it was hush hush to all the world, let alone ever talking to anyone about losing your virginity. I remember growing up as an Amish child and if a married lady was pregnant she was in the "family way" and little kids were not told. I was oblivious to so much growing up because things were not discussed, much less argued about! 

But in today's world kids are allowed to proclaim to the world and make an "ass" out of themselves by doing so, that they want so and so to take their virginity. 

How crass, how crude, how crazy! 

That a mother would consent to go on a show like Jerry Springer and be a part of this dysfunction!?! Are there no adults left in this world? Makes you wonder what percentage of our population in America has an adult mind and thinks like an adult? Where lies the responsibility and with whom? Do the viewers of such insanity  have any kind of responsibility? I would think.

I am NOT  a fan of Dr. Phil, however, periodically I do tape some of the shows I'm not a fan of to skim through and see what is going on out there in the world whilst I'm at work. I was watching one such show this morning and the issue at hand was an 11 year old girl got pregnant by a 13 year old boy. They were 12 and 14 respectively when their baby was born 11 weeks prematurely. 

Can I have a moment of silence here? 

The parents of both these kids left a lot to be desired.

I mean a lot. 

There is no wonder these kids ended up doing what they did. 

And Dr. Phil? Gah! He leaves a lot to be desired as well. He is out for ratings and you can tell. If you place yourself in the position to help someone, do you have to be condescending and mocking? I just had to shake my head. No good solutions came out of that show. A kid was led kicking and screaming against her will to some institute that was supposedly going to help her. I shudder to think of the damage that young girl will be living with the rest of her life. All for ratings, all for some air time, all for whatever everyone's intent was for being on the show. I don't want to sit in judgment of anyone, but I can see some really big problems with this kind of show. It shows exactly how immature our adults continue to be and how ratings-crazed the television industry is. Does anyone really think these shows are out to help anyone? I hope not.

Suddenly, I'm in a bad mood. I have so much I want to add, I've deleted so much from this post already. I find it very hard to contain myself, but I will refrain from saying what I really want to add. Except to make this one point. We, the people, are responsible for what we watch and are a part of. We have to grow up and be adult in nature, not just physically be adult, but in nature too. We have to do adult things, make adult decisions, be responsible for our children, and if our children make bad decisions we have to help them think things through or find help for them outside the spotlight of television. In this day and age it seems like everything has an answer, you go on television to make a point, to get help, to get famous and rich. But at the end of the day, the only folks benefiting are the folks lining their bank accounts as the ratings for their shows grow more popular. 

Just thinkin' it through! 

PS....I did want to say, I was NOT looking to write a post about this, so I wasn't out to "find" a couple of sensational topics to run with on this post. It is literally what I "found" when I was panning through the TV and also which Dr. Phil show had aired yesterday and I watched today. After the fact is when I just had to "say it" to someone. 

Lucky you!

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